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Systolic and diastolic are the two readings in which blood pressure is measuredThe American College of Cardiology released new guidelines for high blood pressure in 2017The guidelines now state that blood normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHgIf either one of those numbers is higheryou have high blood pressure.

Clonidine is also used in the treatment of dysmenorrheaseverely painful cramps during menstrual periodhypertensive crisisa condition in which your blood pressure is very highTourette’s syndromea condition characterized by the need to perform repeated motions or to repeat sounds or wordsmenopausal hot flashesand alcohol and opiatenarcoticwithdrawalClonidine is also used and as an aid in smoking cessation therapy and to diagnose pheochromocytomaa tumor that develops on a gland near the kidneys and may cause high blood pressure and fast heart rateTalk to your doctor about the possible risks of using this medication for your condition.

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There is no specific antidote for clonidine overdosageClonidine overdosage may result in the rapid development of CNS depressionthereforeinduction of vomiting with ipecac syrup is not recommendedGastric lavage may be indicated following recent and/or large ingestionsAdministration of activated charcoal and/or a cathartic may be beneficialSupportive care may include atropine sulfate for bradycardiaintravenous fluids and/or vasopressor agents for hypotension and vasodilators for hypertensionNaloxone may be a useful adjunct for the management of clonidine-induced respiratory depressionhypotension and/or comablood pressure should be monitored since the administration of naloxone has occasionally resulted in paradoxical hypertensionDialysis is not likely to significantly enhance the elimination of clonidine.

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