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This depends on a number of different factors that are specific to each patientYour physician can outline an overall fertility plan so that you know the long-term goalsand when additional medications or treatments may be indicated.

If you are over 35 and your egg supply is low or dwindlingClomid may not help you get pregnant.

Clomid is an oral medication that can be used to stimulate ovulationIt works by blocking estrogen receptors at the hypothalamuswhich is an importanthormonal control centerfor the bodyWhen this happensthe hypothalamus is stimulated to release follicle stimulating hormoneFSHand luteinizing hormoneLHThese are the naturally occurring ovarian stimulantswhich prompt ovulation in a normal cycle.

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Other drugs may interact with clomipheneincluding prescription and over-the-counter medicinesvitaminsand herbal productsTell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use now and any medicine you start or stop using.

Your doctor may have you take your temperature each morning and record your daily readings on a chartThis will help you determine when you can expect ovulation to occur.

Clomid is an oral medication that can be used to stimulate ovulationIt works by blocking estrogen receptors at the hypothalamuswhich is an importanthormonal control centerfor the bodyWhen this happensthe hypothalamus is stimulated to release follicle stimulating hormoneFSHand luteinizing hormoneLHThese are the naturally occurring ovarian stimulantswhich prompt ovulation in a normal cycle.

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This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occurCall your doctor for medical advice about side effectsYou may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

1Rarely women will have hyperstimulation of the ovaries as a result of clomid useIn this case the ovaries become enlarged with multiple folliclesSevere pain or marked swelling of the abdomen should prompt you to call your doctor.

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