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The risk of QT prolongation may be increased if you have certain medical conditions or are taking other drugs that may cause QT prolongationBefore using ciprofloxacintell your doctor or pharmacist of all the drugs you take and if you have any of the following conditionscertain heart problemsheart failureslow heartbeatQT prolongation in the EKGfamily history of certain heart problemsQT prolongation in the EKGsudden cardiac death

You should begin feeling better during the first few days of your treatment with ciprofloxacinIf your symptoms do not improve or if they get worsecall your doctorIf you are being treated for a urinary tract infectioncall your doctor if you develop fever or back pain during or after your treatmentThese symptoms may be signs that your infection is worsening.

Limitations-of-useReserve fluoroquinolones for patients who do not have other available treatment options for acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

Ciprofloxacin is used to treat or prevent certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumoniagonorrheaa sexually transmitted diseasetyphoid fevera serious infection that is common in developing countriesinfectious diarrheainfections that cause severe diarrheaand infections of the skinbonejointabdomenstomach areaand prostatemale reproductive glandCiprofloxacin is also used to treat or prevent plaguea serious infection that may be spread on purpose as part of a bioterror attackand inhalation anthraxa serious infection that may be spread by anthrax germs in the air on purpose as part of a bioterror attackCiprofloxacin may also be used to treat bronchitissinus infectionsor urinary tract infections but should not be used for bronchitis and sinus infectionsor certain types of urinary tract infections if there are other treatment optionsCiprofloxacin extended-releaselong-actingtablets are used to treat kidney and urinary tract infectionshoweversome types of urinary tract infections should only be treated with ciprofloxacin extended release tablets if no other treatment options are availableCiprofloxacin is in a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolonesIt works by killing bacteria that cause infections.

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Tendon damage may occur during or after treatment with this medicationStop exercisingrestand get medical help right away if you develop joint/muscle/tendon pain or swellingYour risk for tendon problems is greater if you are over 60 years of ageif you are taking corticosteroidssuch as prednisoneor if you have a kidneyheartor lung transplant.

Common side effects of Cipro include abdominal paindiarrheaheadacheand rash.

Anaphylaxisor shockis a rare allergic reaction to this drugThis allergic reaction is a medical emergency and you are experiencing these symptoms seek medical immediately.

Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratoryYour doctor may order certain lab tests to check your body’s response to ciprofloxacin.

Jay WMarksMDis a board-certified internist and gastroenterologistHe graduated from Yale University School of Medicine and trained in internal medicine and gastroenterology at UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

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