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Your physician may have seen patients lose weight when they first started taking celexa, that is not uncommon, and when the same patient began gaining weight a year or two later the physician assumed it was only due to diet and or no exercise.

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This is not a complete list of possible side effectsIf you notice other effects not listed abovecontact your doctor or pharmacist.

Celexa may also be used to treat other mental conditionssuch as panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorderOCDFor women in menopauseit may also be used to treat hot flashes.

Following is a list of WHO terms that reflect treatment-emergent adverse eventsas defined in the introduction to the ADVERSE REACTIONS sectionreported by patients treated with Celexa at multiple doses in a range of 10 to 80 mg/day during any phase of a trial within the premarketing database of 4422 patientsAll reported events are included except those already listed in Table 3 or elsewhere in labelingthose events for which a drug cause was remotethose event terms which were so general as to be uninformativeand those occurring in only one patientIt is important to emphasize thatalthough the events reported occurred during treatment with Celexathey were not necessarily caused by it.

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Celexa and placebo groups were compared with respect to1mean change from baseline in vital signspulsesystolic blood pressureand diastolic blood pressureand2the incidence of patients meeting criteria for potentially clinically significant changes from baseline in these variablesThese analyses did not reveal any clinically important changes in vital signs associated with Celexa treatmentIn additiona comparison of supine and standing vital sign measures for Celexa and placebo treatments indicated that Celexa treatment is not associated with orthostatic changes.

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