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Gastric lavage may be indicatedotherwiseno specific antidote existsCefixime is not removed in significant quantities from the circulation by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysisAdverse reactions in small numbers of healthy adult volunteers receiving single doses up to 2 g of cefixime did not differ from the profile seen in patients treated at the recommended doses.

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Several cephalosporins have been implicated in triggering seizuresparticularly in patients with renal impairment when the dosage was not reducedsee DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION and OVERDOSAGEIf seizures associated with drug therapy occurthe drug should be discontinuedAnticonvulsant therapy can be given if clinically indicated.

Cefixime has not been studied for use during labor and deliveryTreatment should only be given if clearly needed.

Dosage must be adjusted in severe renal insufficiencyhigh doses may cause CNS toxicityincluding seizuressuperinfections and promotion of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged use or repeated therapy.

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Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctorusually once a dayIn childrenthis medication may also be taken twice a dayevery 12 hoursIf you are taking the chewable tabletschew thoroughly and then swallow.

About 4050absorbed orally whether administered with or without foodhowevertime to maximal absorption is increased approximately 0.8 hours when administered with food.

Pregnancy Category BReproduction studies have been performed in mice and rats at doses up to 40 times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to cefiximeThere are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant womenBecause animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human responsethis drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

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