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Hepatic/Renal impairment Patients with hepatic impairmentThere are only limited data in patients with liver impairment and on the effect of drugs known to influence hepatic metabolisme.gcimetidineAs with any drug wholly metabolised by the liverCardura should be administered with caution to patients with evidence of impaired liver functionsee section 4.4 and section 5.2

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If you stop taking doxazosin for any reasoncall your doctor before you start taking it againYou may need a dose adjustment.

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Benign prostatic hyperplasiaThe recommended initial dosage of Cardura is 1mg given once daily to minimise the potential for postural hypotension and/or syncopesee section 4.4Depending on the individual patient’s urodynamics and BPH symptomatology dosage may then be increased to 2mg and thereafter to 4mg and up to the maximum recommended dose of 8mgThe recommended titration interval is 1-2 weeksThe usual recommended dose is 2-4mg daily.

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