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Sucralfate is only minimally absorbed from the gastrointestinal tractThe small amounts of the sulfated disaccharide that are absorbed are excreted primarily in the urineAlthough the mechanism of sucralfate’s ability to accelerate healing of duodenal ulcers remains to be fully definedit is known that it exerts its effect through a localrather than systemicactionThe following observations also appear pertinent:

Avoid using antacids without your doctor’s adviceUse only the type of antacid your doctor recommendsSome antacids can make it harder for sucralfate to work in your stomachIf your doctor does recommend using an antacidavoid taking it within 30 minutes before or after taking sucralfate.

Some studies have shown that simultaneous sucralfate administration in healthy volunteers reduced the extent of absorptionbioavailabilityof single doses of the followingcimetidinedigoxinfluoroquinolone antibioticsketoconazolel-thyroxinephenytoinquinidineranitidinetetracyclineand theophyllineSubtherapeutic prothrombin times with concomitant warfarin and sucralfate therapy have been reported in spontaneous and published case reportsHowevertwo clinical studies have demonstrated no change in either serum warfarin concentration or prothrombin time with the addition of sucralfate to chronic warfarin therapyThe mechanism of these interactions appears to be nonsystemic in naturepresumably resulting from sucralfate binding to the concomitant agent in the gastrointestinal tractIn all cases studied to datecimetidineciprofloxacindigoxinnorfloxacinofloxacinand ranitidinedosing the concomitant medication 2 hours before sucralfate eliminated the interactionDue to CARAFATE Oral Suspension’s potential to alter the absorption of some drugsCARAFATE Oral Suspension should be administered separately from other drugs when alterations in bioavailability are felt to be criticalIn these casespatients should be monitored appropriately.

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Teratogenicity studies have been performed in miceratsand rabbits at doses up to 50 times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to sucralfateThere arehoweverno adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant womenBecause animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human responsethis drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

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