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Take sucralfate on an empty stomachat least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.

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Sucralfate is not greatly absorbed into the body through the digestive tractIt works mainly in the lining of the stomach by adhering to ulcer sites and protecting them from acidsenzymesand bile salts.

Take this medicine for the full prescribed length of timeYour symptoms may improve before the ulcer is completely healed.

Cases of hyperglycemia have been reported with sucralfateBezoars have been reported in patients treated with sucralfateThe majority of patients had underlying medical conditions that may predispose to bezoar formationsuch as delayed gastric emptyingor were receiving concomitant enteral tube feedings.

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This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occurCall your doctor for medical advice about side.

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Teratogenicity studies have been performed in miceratsand rabbits at doses up to 50 times the human dose and have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to sucralfateThere arehoweverno adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant womenBecause animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human responsethis drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

Take the missed dose as soon as you rememberbut avoid taking any other medications within 2 hours before or after you take CarafateSkip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled doseDo not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.

This list is not complete and other drugs may interact with sucralfateTell your doctor about all medications you useThis includes prescriptionover-the-countervitaminand herbal productsDo not start a new medication without telling your doctor.

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