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This medicine is not approved for use in childrenHoweverthe doctor may decide the benefits of taking Cafergotergotamine and caffeine tabletsoutweigh the risksIf your child has been given Cafergotergotamine and caffeine tabletsask the doctor for information about the benefits and risksTalk with the doctor if you have questions about giving Cafergotergotamine and caffeine tabletsto your child.

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Many medications can cause side effectsA side effect is an unwanted response to a medication when it is taken in normal dosesSide effects can be mild or severetemporary or permanentThe side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who takes this medicationIf you are concerned about side effectsdiscuss the risks and benefits of this medication with your doctor.

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Tabletsadults and adolescents 12 years and overThe recommended initial adult dose is 2 tablets at the first sign of a headache followed by 1 tablet after each one-half hour that the headache is not relievedIf it is found that more that 2 tablets are needed to relieve the headache3 tablets can be used as an initial dose for the next headacheDo not take more than 6 tablets within 24 hours or 10 tablets within 7 days.

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Tabletsadults and adolescents 12 years and overThe recommended initial adult dose is 2 tablets at the first sign of a headache followed by 1 tablet after each one-half hour that the headache is not relievedIf it is found that more that 2 tablets are needed to relieve the headache3 tablets can be used as an initial dose for the next headacheDo not take more than 6 tablets within 24 hours or 10 tablets within 7 days.

Total dose for any one attack should not exceed 6 tabletsTotal weekly dosage should not exceed 10 tabletsErgotamine tartrate and caffeine tablets should not be used for chronic daily administrationIn carefully selected patientswith due consideration of maximum dosage recommendationsadministration of the drug at bedtime may be an appropriate short-term preventive measure.

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