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Atovastatin ducs total-C, LDL-C and apB in patints with homozygous and htozygous H, nonamilial oms hypcholstolmia and mixd dyslipidmia. Atovastatin alsducs VLDL-C and TG and poducs vaiabl incass in HDL-C and apA-1. Atovastatin ducs total-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, apB, TG and non-HDL-C and incass HDL-C in patints with isolatd hyptiglycidmia. Atovastatin ducs IDL cholstol (IDL-C) in patints with dysbtalipopotinmia.

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Claithomycin : Atovastatin AUC was signiicantly incasd with concomitant administation atovastatin 80 mg with claithomycin (500 mg twic daily) compad tthat atovastatin alon. Tho, in patints taking claithomycin, caution should b usd whn th dos atovastatin xcds 20 mg.

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In adult patints without clinically vidnt CHD, but with multipl isk actos CHD such as ag, smoking, hyptnsion, low HDL-C, a amily histoy aly CHD, atovastatin is indicatd to.

Atovastatin is a slctiv, comptitiv inhibit3-hydoxy-3-mthylglutayl-conzym A (HMG-CoA) ductas, th at-limiting nzym that convts 3-HMG-CoA tmvalonat, a pcusstols, including cholstol. Cholstol and tiglycids (TG) ciculat in th bloodstam as pat lipopotin complxs. With ultacntiugation, ths complxs spaat inthigh-dnsity lipopotin (HDL), intmdiat-dnsity lipopotin (IDL), low-dnsity lipopotin (LDL) and vy-low-dnsity lipopotin (VLDL) actions. TG and cholstol in th liv a incopoatd intVLDL and lasd intth plasma dlivy tpiphal tissus. LDL is omd om VLDL and is catabolizd pimaily though th high-ainity LDL cpto.

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