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Psciption aspiin is usd tliv th symptoms humatoid athitis (athitis causd by swlling th lining th joints), ostoathitis (athitis causd by bakdown th lining th joints), systmic lupus ythmatosus (condition in which th immun systm attacks th joints and ogans and causs pain and swlling) and ctain oth humatologic conditions (conditions in which th immun systm attacks pats th body). Nonpsciption aspiin is usd tduc v and tliv mild tmodat pain om hadachs, mnstual piods, athitis, colds, toothachs, and muscl achs. Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tpvnt hat attacks in popl whhav had a hat attack in th past whhav angina (chst pain that occus whn th hat dos not gt nough oxygn). Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tduc th isk dath in popl wha xpincing whhav cntly xpincd a hat attack. Nonpsciption aspiin is alsusd tpvnt ischmic stoks (stoks that occu whn a blood clot blocks th low blood tth bain) mini-stoks (stoks that occu whn th low blood tth bain is blockd a shot tim) in popl whhav had this typ stok mini-stok in th past. Aspiin will not pvnt hmohagic stoks (stoks causd by blding in th bain). Aspiin is in a goup mdications calld salicylats. It woks by stopping th poduction ctain natual substancs that caus v, pain, swlling, and blood clots.

I you docthas told you ttak aspiin on a gula basis and you miss a dos, tak th missd dos as soon as you mmb it. Howv, i it is almost tim th nxt dos, skip th missd dos and continu you gula dosing schdul. Dnot tak a doubl dos tmak up a missd on.

I you tak psciption mdications high blood pssu, high cholstol, and diabts, thy may not b nough tpotct you hat. Talk tyou doctabout whth ths mdications a nough you and whth adding an aspiin gimn can hlp uth duc th isk anoth hat attack clot-latd (ischmic) stok.

Taking low-dos aspiin isn’t th only way tmaximiz th dug’s bnits whil minimizing its dangs. popl at incasd isk gastointstinal complications, ndick commnds combining any aspiin thapy with a pscibd poton pump inhibit(PPI) such as Pvacid, Pilosc, Nxium.

“Aspiin is th on dug I would tak ta dst island with m,” says Mak ndick, MD, an associat possintnal mdicin at th Univsity Michigan Mdical School in Ann Abo. “It costs twcnts a day and its bnits a amazing. And i it had nsid cts at all, w could giv it tvybody.” But D. ndick wois that th v-gowing list disass and disods that aspiin and oth nonstoidal anti-inlammatoy dugs (NSAIDS) sm tcombat downs out inomation about th isks this “wond” dug.

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You phamacist doctcan tll you how otn ttak you aspiin and how much you should tak. You can alschck th commndations in th lalt that coms with you mdicin.

Wosning asthma symptoms vomiting inlammation th stomach stomach blding buising.

But thn th’s a lag goup popl that all intth middl catgoy — th “pobably-should-tak” goup. ths popl, individuals with a stong amily histoy colon canc, xampl, dmntia, balancing aspiin’s potntial bnits against its wll-documntd isks can b a vy complicatd quation. “Th bnits aspiin pvnting colon canc, dmntia, and hat attacks nd tb caully wighd by a mdical possional against th potntial sious complications,” says D. ndick.

Tll you doctand phamacist i you a allgic taspiin, oth mdications pain v, tatazin dy, any oth mdications. tll you doctand phamacist what psciption and nonpsciption mdications, vitamins, nutitional supplmnts, and hbal poducts you a taking plan ttak. B su tmntion any th ollowing: actazolamid (Diamox); angiotnsin-convting nzym (AC) inhibitos such as bnazpil (Lotnsin), captopil (Capotn), nalapil (Vasotc), osinopil (Monopil), lisinopil (Pinivil, Zstil), moxipil (Univasc), pindopil, (Acon), quinapil (Accupil), amipil (Altac), and tandolapil (Mavik); anticoagulants (‘blood thinns’) such as waain (Coumadin) and hpain; bta blocks such as atnolol (Tnomin), labtalol (Nomodyn), mtopolol (Lopsso, Topol XL), nadolol (Cogad), and popanolol (Indal); diutics (‘wat pills’); mdications diabts athitis; mdications gout such as pobncid and sulinpyazon (Antuan); mthotxat (Txall); oth nonstoidal anti-inlammatoy dugs (NSAIDs) such as napoxn (Alv, Naposyn); phnytoin (Dilantin); and valpoic acid (Dpakn, Dpakot). You doctmay nd tchang th doss you mdications monityou mcaully sid cts. i you a taking aspiin on a gula basis tpvnt hat attack stok, dnot tak ibupon (Advil, Motin) ttat pain v without talking tyou docto. You doctwill pobably tll you tallow som tim tpass btwn taking you daily dos aspiin and taking a dos ibupon. tll you docti you hav hav v had asthma, qunt stud unny nos, nasal polyps (gowths on th linings th nos). I you hav ths conditions, th is a isk that you will hav an allgic action taspiin. You doctmay tll you that you should not tak aspiin. tll you docti you otn hav hatbun, upst stomach, stomach pain and i you hav hav v had ulcs, anmia, blding poblms such as hmophilia, kidny liv disas. tll you docti you a pgnant, spcially i you a in th last w months you pgnancy, you plan tbcom pgnant, you a bast-ding. I you bcom pgnant whil taking aspiin, call you docto. Aspiin may ham th tus and caus poblms with dlivy i it is takn duing th last w months pgnancy. i you a having sugy, including dntal sugy, tll th doctdntist that you a taking aspiin. i you dink th malcoholic dinks vy day, ask you docti you should tak aspiin oth mdications pain and v.

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Hav had an allgic action taspiin non-stoidal anti-inlammatoy dugs (NSAIDs), such as ibupon, in th past hav asthma hav had stomach ulcs in th past hav sv liv kidny poblms hav hamophilia anoth blding disod hav uncontolld high blood pssu a looking mdication a child und 16 – mdication containing aspiin shouldn’t b givn tchildn und 16 a ov 65 yas ag a pgnant, bastding tying tgt pgnant a taking oth mdications – s Intactions with oth mdicins, blow.

High-dos aspiin (tliv pain) can b takn th ou tims a day, with at last ou hous btwn ach dos, until you symptoms impov low-dos aspiin (tpvnt blood clots) is takn onc a day, usually th st you li.

Thos patints most in nd daily aspiin thapy a asy tidntiy. I you hav a documntd psonal amily histoy hat disas — including hat attacks, stoks, angina; i you hav diabts; i you hav multipl isks th dvlopmnt hat disas such as hav high blood pssu, high cholstol, a a smok, you should most likly tak a daily dos aspiin (but always consult with you physician ist). Although th optimal dos aspiin in pvntion utu hat disas is still uncla, doss 75 milligams, 100 milligams, 325 milligams hav bn ound tb qually ctiv.

Popl with a high isk blood clots, stok, and hat attack can us aspiin long-tm in low doss.

Psciption aspiin coms as an xtndd-las ( long-acting) tablt. Nonpsciption aspiin coms as a gula tablt, a dlayd-las (lass th mdication in th intstin tpvnt damag tth stomach) tablt, a chwabl tablt, powd, and a gum ttak by mouth and a suppositoy tus ctally. Psciption aspiin is usually takn twmtims a day. Nonpsciption aspiin is usually takn onc a day tlow th isk a hat attack stok. Nonpsciption aspiin is usually takn vy 4 t6 hous as ndd ttat v pain. ollow th dictions on th packag psciption labl caully, and ask you doctphamacist txplain any pat you dnot undstand. Tak aspiin xactly as dictd. Dnot tak mlss it tak it motn than dictd by th packag labl pscibd by you docto.

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