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Th most qunt advs action tZYLOPIM (allopuinol) is skin ash. Skin actions can b sv and somtims atal. Tho, tatmnt with ZYLOPIM (allopuinol) should b discontinud immdiatly i a ash dvlops (s WANINGS ). Som patints with th most sv action alshad v, chills, athalgias, cholstatic jaundic, osinophilia and mild lukocytosis lukopnia. Among 55 patints with gout tatd with ZYLO-PIM 3 t34 months (avag gat than 1 ya) and ollowd pospctivly, undls obsvd that 3% patints dvlopd a typ dug action which was pdominantly a pu-itic maculopapula skin uption, somtims scaly xolia-tiv. Howv, with cunt usag, skin actions hav bn obsvd lss quntly than 1%. Th xplanation this dcas is not obvious. Th incidnc skin ash may b incasd in th psnc nal insuicincy. Th quncy skin ash among patints civing ampicillin amoxicillin concuntly with ZYLOPIM (allopuinol) has bn potd tb incasd (s PCAUTIONS ).

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