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Dnot tak oth mdicins unlss thy hav bn discussd with you docto. This includs psciption nonpsciption (ov-th-count [OTC]) mdicins and hbal vitamin supplmnts.

Th amount mdicin that you tak dpnds on th stngth th mdicin. Also, th numb doss you tak ach day, th tim allowd btwn doss, and th lngth tim you tak th mdicin dpnd on th mdical poblm which you a using th mdicin.

Advai inhalation is a combination mdicin usd tpvnt asthma attacks. It is alsusd tpvnt la-ups wosning chonic obstuctiv pulmonay disas (COPD) associatd with chonic bonchitis and/mphysma.

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Although ctain mdicins should not b usd togth at all, in oth cass twdint mdicins may b usd togth vn i an intaction might occu. In ths cass, you doctmay want tchang th dos, oth pcautions may b ncssay. Whn you a taking this mdicin, it is spcially impotant that you halthca possional know i you a taking any th mdicins listd blow. Th ollowing intactions hav bn slctd on th basis thi potntial signiicanc and a not ncssaily all-inclusiv.

You should not us this mdicin i you asthma attack has alady statd. You doctwill pscib anoth mdicin (g, a shot-acting inhal) you tus in cas an acut asthma attack. Mak su you undstand how tus th shot-acting inhal. Talk tyou docti you nd instuctions.

Advai contains twmdications. luticason popionat is an inhald coticostoid. 1,2 This mdication ducs inlammation in th aiways. Coticostoids act many dint typs inlammatoy clls, including osinophils and mast clls. Thy alsact signaling chmicals that hav a ol in inlammation such as histamin, lukotins, and cytokins.

Th is ngnic altnativ tAdvai. Th twmdications in Advai a availabl spaatly. luticason popionat is maktd as lovnt. Salmtol is maktd as Svnt. Nith is availabl in gnic om ttat asthma.

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