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In th POactiv tial, 5238 patints with typ 2 diabts and a histoy macovascula disas w andomizd tACTOS (N=2605), oc-titatd up t45 mg daily placb(N=2633) in addition tstandad ca. Almost all patints (95%) w civing cadiovascula mdications (bta blocks, AC inhibitos, angiotnsin II cptblocks, calcium channl blocks, nitats, diutics, aspiin, statins and ibats). At baslin, patints had a man ag 62 yas, man duation diabts 9.5 yas, and man HbA1c 8.1%. Man duation ollow-up was 34.5 months. Th pimay objctiv this tial was txamin th ct ACTOS on motality and macovascula mobidity in patints with typ 2 diabts mllitus whw at high isk macovascula vnts. Th pimay icacy vaiabl was th tim tth ist occunc any vnt in a cadiovascula composit ndpoint that includd all-caus motality, nonatal myocadial inaction (MI) including silnt MI, stok, acut coonay syndom, cadiac intvntion including coonay aty bypass gating pcutanous intvntion, majlg amputation abov th ankl, and bypass sugy vasculaization in th lg. A total 514 (19.7%) patints tatd with ACTOS and 572 (21.7%) placbo-tatd patints xpincd at last on vnt om th pimay composit ndpoint (hazad ati0.90; 95% Conidnc Intval: 0.80, 1.02; p=0.10).

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