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Izdanja RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i osnovnoškolske dobi u Europi

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

Izdanja RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i  osnovnoškolske dobi  u Europi RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i  osnovnoškolske dobi  u Europi objavljen je na sedam jezika u elektronskoj verziji i tisku. Sastoji se od pet priručnika: Vodič za odgojitelje i učitelje, Priručnik za roditelje i tri priručnika s aktivnostima (predškolska dob, rana osnovnoškolska dob, srednja osnovnoškolska dob). Elektronska verzija sadrži, između ostalog, i aktivnosti za usmjeravanje pažnje,   tematske postere i kartice sa sličicama životinja. Školama, vrtićima i institucijama koje su zainteresirane za primjenu programa preporučuje se da svakako prije primjene kurikula održe trening; zbog toga je samo Vodič za  odgojitelje i učitelje dostupan svima ( molimo, kliknite na naslovnu stranicu). Ostala četiri priručnika bit će dostupna za vrijeme treninga. Tim za edukaciju je dostupan u svakoj od šest zemalja uključenih u projekt. Za daljnje informacije i trening možete se obratiti na adresu: Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu , prof. dr. sc. Renata Miljević-Riđički i  prof. dr. sc. Dejana Bouillet

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Malta, 16th December 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:20 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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Copyright: © RESCUR Project 2014
Odricanje od odgovornosti

Dynamics of Development: Range, Inheritance and Background

Dynamics of Development: Range, Inheritance and Background

History is usually a process that forces surviving microorganisms to change little by little in time, which leads to shocking diversity that is certainly seen over the the earth. According to Hallway and Hallgrimsson (2008) this modification arises at the degree of genes of biological communities and should transpire throughout successive years.Regardless of the type of job someone is trying to get, the competition in all industries is extremely fierce. When a hiring manager considers Selection in contrast describes evolutionary weight loss of any organism that is power associated with the organism to outlive and cause possible and fertile offspring Lewontin, R. c (1990). For choices to happen variation must can be found inside populations of microorganisms with regards to morphology, conduct and physiology. This variance have to be genetical for them to be successfully passed in one technology to an alternative that is certainly heritability of conditioning Hurst, Laurence D. (2009)

Dynamics of Advancement The world is a dynamic spot that may be switching perpetually and irreversibly in time in either huge and smaller scales. So that they can be aware of the character of improve of universe now we have to have a look in the Einstein’s concept of basic relativity which states in the usa that your world is undoubtedly an organization referred to as spot-time that may be developed by the dispersal of stamina and subject. Considering all situations the most basic deliver improvement in delivery of vitality on the universe almost every occasion in your good reputation for world is unique Steve Hawkings (1988). An individual organism’s phenotype results from each its genotype as well as the control out of the conditions there is lived in. A considerable section of the alternative in phenotypes inside of a society is resulting from the variations concerning their genotypes Rongling wu, Minutes lin (2006). The current evolutionary synthesis describes progression for the reason that modify in time in this particular hereditary alternative.

Difference is derived from mutations in your genome, reshuffling of genes by sex reproduction and migration concerning populations (gene circulation). Inspite of the continual introduction of new variance throughout mutation and gene circulation, a lot of the genome associated with a types is exactly the same in all of the many people of that particular species (Butlin et al, 1998). However, even pretty small variations in genotype can lead to spectacular variations in phenotype: by way of example, chimpanzees and men and women differ in only about 5Per cent of the genomes (watterbom et al, 2006). Advancement in an organism can even be caused by mutation , which refers to difference in the DNA sequence on the cell’s genome. When mutations take place, they might possibly do not have impact, customize the system of an gene, or prevent the gene from functioning. Based upon research projects during the travel Drosophila melanogaster, it has been recommended that if a mutation transformations a essential protein created by a gene, this will likely be unsafe, with about 70% these mutations developing detrimental problems, and the remainder actually being whether basic or weakly helpful (L,Daniel et al, 2007).

Choice This is a crucial device for progression and refers to the technique whereby heritable biological characteristics develop into frequently more or less common with a population resulting from handed down characteristics working on the reproductive achievement of microorganisms interacting with their climate. As per Darwin C (1859) traits that cause more significant reproductive achievement of organism are said to be specific for, where those that help reduce success are picked out alongside. Darwin will go onward which gives images of beak deviation in finches of this Galapagos Small islands which have 13 directly connected species that diverge most significantly within the form of their beaks. The beak of each and every group is fitted to its desired food advising that beak shapes and sizes changed by pure decision. For variety to occur variance should exist inside a society numerous traits ought to confer distinctive charges of reproduction and emergency last but not least these traits will have to be inheritable. Since microorganisms do not possess control of their reproduction rates, even more young are designed than can possibly live, and the conditions provide opposition amongst organisms for tactical and reproduction. Consequently, organisms with characteristics that offer them a plus in excess of their challengers are more likely to move on the features to the next group compared to those with traits that do not confer an edge Hurst & Laurence, D (2009). Evolution impacts every aspect of the shape and conduct of microorganisms. Most visible would be the particular behavioural and physiological adaptations that happen to be the result of all natural option. These adaptations boost conditioning by aiding fun-based activities like finding meal, steering clear of predators or drawing mates. Organisms also can interact with assortment by cooperating collectively, generally by aiding their family members or undertaking mutually effective symbiosis. During the longer term, progression yields new species by way of splitting ancestral communities of microorganisms into new types that are unable to or will not likely interbreed.

Inheritance Indicates investment of characteristics genetically passed on from parents to offspring. History in organisms occurs by using modifications in the inherited characteristics, scientific tests as presented that interest shade happens to be an inherited characteristic in mankind as well as an person could inherit the “brown eye tone trait” from one of the many parent or guardian (N,Tony et al , 2004). Heritable qualities are passed on from a creation to the next by DNA, a molecule that encodes genetic advice Pearson ,Hellen (2006) So evolutionary technique operates on the DNA to develop cumulative transformation . History of Progress With respect Sedley And David (2003) the theory of development is often followed return to the Greek philosophers within the pre-socratic period, who advised one kind of organism could descend from a further type. In comparison Aristole known all-natural things , not alone lifestyle stuff for being imperfect actualizations of different predetermined healthy chances Hull, David L 1967. In your 17th century the Aristotle’s methodology was invalidated by diverse naturalists together with Carl Linnaeus although the biological classification created by him in 1735 also observed group as fixed as outlined by a divine strategy Waggoner,Ben (2000). The significant instant that resulted in the split from biological classification was 1838 when Charles Darwin popularized his way of thinking of progress by natural assortment Burkhardt And Smith (1991). With the 1920s and 1930s a modern day evolutionary synthesis joined pure selection, mutation way of thinking, and Mendelian inheritance towards a unified idea that utilized normally to any branch of biology. The modern activity could show you structures seen across kinds in populations, by fossil transitions in paleontology, and in some cases complicated . cellular systems in developmental biology Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1973).