All posts by Rescur Malta

Prezentacija na KEYS konferenciji u Istanbulu, 16.-18. listopad 2014. god.

Prezentacija na KEYS konferenciji u Istanbulu, 16.-18. listopad 2014. god.  

Carmel Cefai, koordinator projekta, pozvan je da predstavi RESCUR projekt na dvodnevnoj konferenciji organiziranoj u sklopu projekta KEYS (Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning; Lifelong Learning Project) u Istanbulu, Turska, od 16. do 18. listopada 2014. godine. Tema konferecije bila je ključna metodologija za uspješno učenje temeljeno na kompetencijama. Na konferenciji je prezentiran RESCUR projekt, uključujući projektne ciljeve, partnere, okvirni kurikulum i načela, šest tema i primjeri aktivnosti.

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Dwelling » Ordinary contributors Andraquo; Rest As a result of/Busting Thru: a miniature essay on poetics, process and why age range 3.5 to 4 will be the toughest

Dwelling Ordinary contributors Andraquo; Rest As a result of/Busting Thru: a miniature essay on poetics, process and why age range 3.5 to 4 will be the toughest

By Lauren Gordon I had been wondering considerably about my halcyon events of the way i would type in a poem. Once I continued a good go walking with all the newly born baby, driving her from the baby stroller with the alley at the rear of our dwelling as soon as i seen sirens while in the length. We both paused, which provided ample breathing to notice the outrageous bluebells improving by a fracture in your concrete. From the room of sirens, bluebells really are a miraculous, I think. I believed that model all through the go walking. I believed that model for days. Continue reading