All posts by Rescur Malta



E-trade solutions are crucial in your processes of any using enterprise. By way of e-commerce solutions, providers can link the existing gaps in between the corporation along with the potential prospects. Because of the main host to these mechanisms inside routines of this business, it will be vital to keenly investigate these adoptions if you want to fully grasp highly effective options (Powell And DiMaggio, 2013).custom writing org In working with e-commerce solutions inside an institution, delivery techniques and strategies must encompass the development of accurate structure to assist in elucidating to consumers to desired web sites with the business. From this, options such as use e-trade podiums assist in building understanding of many specific teams, therefore necessity for companies to endeavor to obtain their companies reached through goal human population by employing distinct marketing for dissemination of the info. Continue reading

RESCUR projekt na konferenciji o internoj evaluaciji

Profesor Carmel Cefai, koordinator RESCUR LLP projekta je pozvan održati izlaganje o RESCUR projektu na konferenciji o internoj evaluaciji koja je održana u Istanbulu, Turska, od 16. do 18. listopada 2014. godine, u okviru međunarodnog KEYS projekta – Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning, implementiranog uz potporu Europske komisije kroz LLP program (539401-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-COMENIUS-CAM). Cilj KEYS projekta je evaluacija i diseminacija ishoda uspješnih projekata i inicijativa usmjerenih na usvajanje ključnih kompetencija. U izlaganju prof. Cefaia – RESCUR Promicanje otpornosti u ranoj i osnovnoškolskoj dobi u Europi- opisan je okvirni kurikulum koji je razvio projektni konzorcij, uključujuči načela, strukturu, teme i aktivnosti. Izlaganje pod naslovom Kompetencije za uspjeh i preživljavanje: kurikulum otpornosti za ranu i osnovnoškolsku dob u Europ tiskano je u zborniku radova s konferencije.
