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5th ENSEC Conference

ENSEC (European Network for Social and Emotional Competence) is a growing network of European Researchers and Practitioners who are interested in children and young peoples’ social and emotional development and particularly in working to develop their resilience and their social and emotional competence. The network has been in existence now for seven years and has a growing and thriving membership right across the world. This conference builds on four previous successful and vibrant ENSEC Conferences in Malta, Turkey, The United Kingdom and Zagreb (Croatia).

As an International network ENSEC draws together members from a diversity of cultures, geographically, linguistically, and of course professionally. Our conferences and networking have always involved consideration of the cultural dimensions to social and emotional competencies, therefore, this year we have chosen to make this our focus.

We expect that the 5th ENSEC Conference dedicated to Social Emotional Learning and Culture will be an opportunity for researchers, and practitioners to discuss and disseminate their work.

Delegates and previous participants will have the opportunity to find old friends from the previous conferences and make new friends, and additionally a unique occasion to visit and discover Lisbon a modern city with lots of traditions!

View Details here